I saw that after WinCustomize-site update that there is not much new subscribers skins vs before.
And i believe that it was an exclusive feature on subscribers-list. But i am not even sure, how many is Windows 7 compatible, no info.
And about "subscriber skins", i suggest that WinCustomize can offer a voucher or similar, so you can choose any skins you want...
Or maybe from some random selection, because i understand that WC/StarDock need your €$£ from top skins/works.
Gladly some features are much better than old ones... however, even i didn't checked this issue now, but when i am going to log in,
i remember that page will load advertising info - always, even after you are logged in (if subscriber)... what is totally waste of time, to you and us.
Not sure about those html/etc stuff, but many other site doesn't use so much time to advertising material/info. Or maybe it depends, what kind of software/service you use... ok, it is small time, but few times i have stuck to wait some response for some banner that i will not even see. So maybe you can keep login-area and/or homepage clean, no ads. After all, most people will explore to all over, so it is pointless to slowdown homepage or even different sections start (e.g. "Explorer" > WindowsBlinds, ObjectDock, etc)
And. When i use that new filter-system, it is sometimes annoying, e.g. 30 on page, but next page will give same thumbs, only 1 or "few" new will appear. Not sure, but you have fix something - referring that issue.
Ok, lastly.... once again, html, etc, i don't know enough, and because i have used so long, Greased Lightbox script with Greasemonkey, because you don't use those handy "web 2.0" "picture viewers"... example, like many developer use or e.g. Firefox add-ons pages... https://addons.mozilla.org/
So maybe i pass this year payment - on next month (hence my hospital bills), and i will wait that i actually get something with that money...
And not only promises and these famous 10-year-coming-soon-features
So any news to these issues, mods admins, etc?!
Take care everyone...